Workers Compensation
Compensation Lawyers - Anne Arundel County
Whether you were injured unloading supplies or have carpal tunnel syndrome from doing data entry all day, if you were injured on the job, you have a right to receive workers’ compensation benefits. If your job is covered by workers’ compensation, your medical bills and a portion of your weekly wages should be paid when you are unable to work.
Unfortunately, the system doesn’t always work that way. Navigating the workers’ compensation system can be complex and confusing. That’s why you need good workers compensation attorneys working for you. The workers’ compensation attorneys at Cohen & Greene, P.A. are up to date on Maryland’s worker's compensation laws. We’ll get you the benefits due to you.
In most cases, an employee with a work-related illness or injury can get workers' compensation benefits regardless of who was at fault -- the employee, the employer, a coworker, a customer, or some other third party. In exchange for these guaranteed benefits, employees usually do not have the right to sue the employer in court for damages for those injuries.
In Maryland, employers are required to purchase insurance for their employees from a workers' compensation insurance company. When a worker is injured, his or her claim is filed with the insurance company or self-insuring employer, which pays medical and disability benefits according to a state-approved formula. Sometimes the employer contests the claim, and you must file an appeal. Having workers’ compensation attorneys on your side can make all the difference.
Workers' compensation covers most, but not all, on-the-job injuries. Generally, injuries that happen because an employee is intoxicated or using illegal drugs are not covered by workers' compensation.
Coverage may also be denied in situations involving:
self-inflicted injuries (including those caused by a person who starts a fight)
injuries suffered while a worker was committing a serious crime
injuries suffered while an employee was not on the job, and
injuries suffered when an employee's conduct violated company policy.
If you have a work-related injury, disease or disability, contact us to help you get the compensation you deserve.